get healthy Today by DR. DAVID eADe, EADE FAmILY cHIRoPRAcTIc how We Can Make Your Life Better hmeet aIlotwithyou before?” That’s working out, and ILee changedwas back to which can capture an image in less than 30x-raysDigitalAssessment:X-raydisturbances.Digitaluneven•life!myIgreat.ablation.felttheDr.ortovisitssurgeryThehavetheytown.wheninsayfamilymypeopleofseenmeaven’twhat “You’re Dr. Eade, and I decided I needed seconds. This is a specific software program you guys have your to know more about designed to measure objectively. family dog and kids in chiropractic and I Now, you may wonder, “Why all this stuff?” your picture.” And of wanted to become a course they are right chiropractor. Up to this equipment Ihelps people investing inme toallowsandthatbelieveBecause on both counts. point, I was studying to really determine what is going on. It is one I know, the kids be a medical physician. of the best investments that I can make, and have grown up a bit now people come it allows me to do the best job possible! since the top picture to me with their own You are going to benefit from an amazing here. Cailey wouldn’t neck pain and their put on the Princess headaches and their to correct your health problem. Bring in thislegandarmanyoucostshouldn’tItoffer. dress for the last time shoulder and arm I used pictures. The bottom one here is a numbness. They also come in with asthma typicallyand receive$275, for only $47. I’mwhichexam,entireourovercostscolumn new photo taken at Disneyland. I like the and allergies, injuries from whiplash, work- photos because when people recognize us, related traumas and ear infections. we also not trying to seduce you into a visitgive youthenandtowantfees—Ihighonadd that connection gives me an opportunity to see patients the opportunity to be checked so that talk to them (and you) about how I can help with backaches, you may not need unwanted surgery them with their health. Over 20 years ago sinusitis, or years of suffering. something happened to me that changed me numbness in forever. I was involved in a terrible work- the feet or Qualifications: Let’s just say that related accident. I felt a sudden sharp pain sports injuries. over 100,000 adjustments, and in my neck as if I had been electrocuted; I Sometimes they I stopped counting, If you want realized that I injured my neck, and I began even come in to know more about me visit our to lose the sensation and movement in my for bedwetting. website at right arm. The orthopedic surgeon who Now you might our office: You will be greeted evaluated me told me that I had two choices: say, “Well, I by Danielle with a smile and a I could either have my neck fused or I could didn’t know handshake. We are located at 575 have nerve ablation. I was in between chiropractic Lincoln Ave. Ste. 225 Napa. semesters at University of California Berkeley could cure (707)-255-6888. and neither of these seemed like an option those things?” You would probably be right. “I had screws in my lower back, six of them. I when I was so young. But what I do is perform a specific spinal was in constant pain and really unable to walk I decided to think about it, left the clinic adjustment designed to remove your or get up from my recliner. After a year of and went back to work, where a coworker pressure and align the spine—exactly what working with Dr. Dave and his encouragement overheard my problem. He told me we had Dr. Lee did to me over 20 years ago—and and effort, I had the screws taken out. Now to go see his chiropractor, Dr. Lee. Dr. Lee you would be surprised how many different I’m a different person: I hike, ride my bike, and took a couple of pictures of my spine, did ways it helps. don’t have the pain in my back or numbness in a thorough evaluation and then told me our Exam: Before we accept you as a my hands.”–gil, napa what my problem was! He said the accident patient, we perform a detailed examination had shifted my spinal bones out of position, using the latest scientific technology to pinching a nerve. He then said that this was “I had day-and-night pain in my neck. Couldn’t find out exactly what is wrong. A thorough called a subluxation and was pretty serious. history is performed, and orthopedic and turn my head either way. I had to decide that Dr. Lee adjusted me, and let me tell you, neurological evaluations are done. I couldn’t drive! That’s when I saw Dr. Dave. it was most amazing sensation that I ever • Digital Posture Assessment: It’s 21st Now there is absolutely no pain. I’m loving experienced. It was like warm water flowing what is happening to me. You need to come in technology unlike any other. into my arm, and it felt very different. After and be checked by him. Dr. Dave is the person several weeks of treatment I began to • Computerized Scan: Using thermal and to see! “–Dee, napa EMG technology we use this device to help feel amazingly well. I mean, better than I had in my entire life! And I didn’t have to scan your spine and nervous system for AdVeRToRIAL FeATURe N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2 49
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