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Roughly 40% of all the food in the U.S. goes to waste, yet 1 in 6 Americans lack a secure supply of food. Food is too precious to waste. Food Recovery Hierarchy Source Reduction Most Preferred Least Preferred Feed Hungry People* 40 www.nAPAVA L L E Y L I F Emagaz Feed Animals Industrial Uses Composting Incineration or Landfill * Feed People, Not Landfi lls Californians throw out over 11 billion pounds of food “waste” every year! Help fi ght this waste by creating a shopping list with meals in mind, buying only what you need, storing food properly, freezing food, and being creative with leftovers. If you have food you would like to donate, the following organizations accept non-perishable and/or prepared foods. Please no outdated canned goods or open containers. You must call ahead to make arrangements for prepared and/or perishable food donations. The Good Samaritan Law protects you from liability. Napa Valley Food Bank – 707-253-6128 The Table (First Presbyterian Church) – 707-224-8693 South Shelter – 707-299-1742 or 707-299-1739 Salvation Army – 707-226-8150 California Human Development Farmworker Center – 707-942-9279 or 707-333-0183 Suggested Non-perishable Items: • Canned Meat • Nuts • Canned Vegetables • Soup • Canned Juice • Peanut Butter • Baby Food • Tuna • Beans • Rice • Canned Fruit • Macaroni & Cheese • Cereal • Pasta/Noodles For more info:

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