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Napa Valley Grown Like the wine, The Vine’s music is light, smooth and vibrant. “Good Morning Bob” features great music, local guests, news and weather weekdays from 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. Try the new 99.3 The Vine! NOV E M B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 77 NAPA VALLEY Visit us today to enjoy our distinguished wines, contemporary artwork beautifully manicured gardens and an unparalleled Napa Valley experience. Wine Tasting 10 - 6 daily Peju Province Winery 8466 St. Helena Hwy. Rutherford Ca 94573 800.446.7358 - peju .com For the rst time ever, world renowned winemaker Markea Fourmeaux is opening the doors to her private winery and inviting you to share in a one-of- a-kind, hands on wine making experience. From harvest to boling, learn the art of world class wine making from a master and ll your cellar with your own creation. Markea Winery and the Napa dream... Just For You. For information contact Markea Fourmeaux Markea Winery, Napa California 707.226-5944 AN AMAZING GIFT TO GIVE!

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