lupicia fresh tea Nearly 100 canisters of single-leaf and blended teas invite visitors to belly up to the tea bar and sample the really good stuff at Lupicia in Valley Fair. A Japanese tea purveyor that specializes in vacuum sealed bags of leaves from far flung places, Lupicia’s allows customers to select a free sample for staff members to brew up. The next step is to sit at the counter and engage in banter with the server while savoring the flavor you chose. According to Lupicia spokespeople, the teas on offer un- 84 South Bay Accent dergo stringent examination for organic purity and quality from Japanese government officials. Another distinguishing feature here is the sniffing aisle—impressively long and lined with tins of teas sorted by green, oolong, white and black. Need a gift to celebrate a birthday? You can select any tea and highlight the occasion with an artistic decal on the tin. A nice touch for something a little different. Location: Westfield Valey Fair, 2855 Stevens Creek Blv d., Santa Clara; Mitsuwa Marketplace, 675 Saratoga Av e., San Jose. Another distinguishing feature here is the sniffing aisle. shuterstock
South Bay Accent - Oct/Nov 2014
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