Matt Larson
Matt Larson has been writing
for us since 2011. We found
him in his hometown of
Vallejo, though he can also
be found in Los Angeles
pursuing stand-up comedy,
acting, and directing.
We asked, what do you
like about writing for us?
“American vibes are a bit
dismal right now. Politically
especially. When people bring
that up, I tell them about
West County and all of the
wonderful nonprofit service
organizations I’ve written
about,” he said. “Thanks to
you all, I’ve realized that if
you truly want to make a
difference, don’t think of
having a national or global
impact, think of your local
Vickie Lewis
Vickie Lewis was born in
Richmond, and raised by her
grandparents who worked in
the Shipyards during WWII,
she still lives here 60 years
later with her husband, Mark,
and daughter Brittany.
Vickie attended local schools,
worked in local jobs, and
supports local businesses
and organizations. With over
40 years in the profession
of banking, she also enjoys
writing for Contra Costa
Marketplace Magazine. She
says it provides her with a
creative outlet for her writing
passion, and allows her to
promote local restaurants and
food venues to our readers.
Jeannie Howard
Jeannie Howard owns and
operates Bella Brûlée Cakes &
Confections, a boutique cake
and dessert business currently
based in the Wichita, Kansas
area—just a few months ago
it was in Honolulu, Hawaii.
As a supportive spouse to an
active duty Air Force member,
Jeannie and her family are
familiar to remaining flexible
to change and learning about
new communities. Through
her regular contributions to
Contra Costa Marketplace
Magazine and the Napa Valley
Register, she is able to maintain
a meaningful connection to
her “home” communities in
the California Bay Area and is
thankful to be a part of sharing
positive and uplifting stories
with our readers.
Olivia Frenkel
Olivia Frenkel was born in
Fairfield, California and now
resides in Salem, Oregon for her
first year at Willamette University.
She is a Civic Communications
and Media major and plans on
minoring in Psychology before
attending the university’s BA/MBA
Business Management Graduate
Program. She swims mid-distance
freestyle for the university’s
women’s swim team and was
elected as a class senator for the
Associated Students of Willamette
University as well as the Class of
2023 Caucus Market Manager.
Frenkel is a Lifestyle Writer for the
school’s newspaper, The Collegian,
and has recently taken to writing
articles as well as poetry and short
stories. She enjoys the different
types of artistic freedom that both
creative and informational writing