milkshake 13
than their marketers. (I guarantee there
are marketers nodding their heads as
they read this).
If you do not trust the marketing
team lead, you will have a very hard
time appreciating the “think time” and
work required to do the job well. Up to
20% of gross revenue should be spent
on marketing, yet marketers are often
provided a fraction of the budget and
are expected to produce miracles. So,
while the current economy seems to be
forcing us all to do more with less, we
should be investing in marketing more
than ever.
Can you share some thoughts for
brands seeking growth these days?
Marketing is about growth. If what
you are currently doing isn’t making
a difference or driving attraction to
your brand, you need to shift gears. Of
course, some campaigns require a little
everyone’s line is blurred and, possibly,
made us more conscious of others.
What is the best advice for
marketing strategists going
Strategically, I would advise that you
learn to love what you do. We each have
parts of our job that we do not like, so
we procrastinate or we don’t do it at all.
Discover why you don’t like it, ferret that
out and then use your intellect or savvy
to learn to love it.
Tactically, I suggest hiring a
photographer for your content or
website images. It makes your content
more sincere and may even cost you
less than paying for that subscription
of the same pics everyone else is using.
In addition, I would keep your content
pithy. Use fewer words, shorten that
podcast, and reduce the length of that
time. At the onset of any new project
or campaign, lay out what you expect
to achieve as a result, and give yourself
the right amount of time. If you reach
the end of the allotted time and the
needle hasn’t budged when it comes to
product recognition, then try something
In your podcast, you explore how
life consistently intersects with
business. Can you explain what that
We wake up, grab our phones and look
at our emails before we even get out
of bed. As we fall asleep, we look at our
phone one last time to make sure we
didn’t miss anything. The line between
life and work has blurred. But, what
is interesting is that people still do
business with people. The pandemic
forever altered how we work and
has resulted in an understanding that
September 2022