Palo Alto
students ziplining
in the
Alto International
students prepping
food during
service trip to
School of the Peninsula
visit China.
Last year, 14-year-old Nikhil Dharmaraj embarked on a nine-day trip to Greece and
Italy with his classmates at the Harker School in San Jose. One of his favorite parts
of the trip was their visit to Rome, where their guide showed the kids how to navigate
the streets and piazzas of the city, then let them loose to explore it on their own.
“We got to go around and visit things like boutiques and gelaterias. It was just so
much fun,” says Dharmaraj, adding that the kids were required to stay in groups of
three or more and return at a certain time. “We got to explore the city ourselves,
rather than just do the touristy things with the group, even though we also did those.”
August/September 2017 57