34 South Bay Accent
regional premiere is directed by Lisa Rothe.
Tickets $40-$100, Lucie Stern Theatre, 1305
Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. 650/463-1960.
Sound of Music. July 19-Aug. 5, 7:30 p.m.
Thursdays; 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2
p.m. Sundays. This beloved show, set in Austria
in 1938, follows the governess for the Von
Trapp family, who captures the hearts of the
seven children and their father, a widowed
naval captain, during the Nazi occupation.
Tickets $12-$32. Smithwick Theatre, Foothill
College, I-280 and El Monte Road, Los Altos
Hills. 650/949-7360.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream. July 21-29,
times vary. Shakespeare’s masterful comedy
follows the misadventures of four young lovers,
a group of aspiring actors and a team
of mischievous fairies as they enter the
woods outside Athens on a summer night.
The ensuing hilarity and chaos create an evening
that will be enjoyed by audiences of all
ages. Memorial Park Amphitheater, Anton
Way at Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino.
In the Heights. July 12-Aug. 12, times
vary. This innovative play tells the story of a
vibrant community in New York’s Washington
Heights neighborhood—a place where
the coffee from the corner bodega
is light and sweet, the windows
are always open and the breeze
carries the rhythm of three generations
of music. Tickets $12-
41. City Lights Theater,
529 S. Second St., San
Jose. 408/295-4200.
Equivocation. July
27-Aug 19, times vary.
In 1606 England, King
James’ right hand man
William Cecil commissions
William Shagspeare
(a contemporary
spelling of the Bard’s
name) to write the
“true historie” of Guy
Fawkes’ infamous
Gunpowder Plot.
As Shag and the
Globe actors investigate
the story, they
discover that the government’s
version of the story
is suspect. Tickets $22.
Dragon Theatre, 2120
Broadway St., Redwood
City. 650/493-2006 ext. 2.
The Courageous Parenting
Model Workshop. June 4, 8
p.m. Need to hone your parentnalist
and internationally bestselling
author of “Bringing Up
Bebe” returns with a (midlife)
coming of age story that pokes
fun at the foibles of these “in
between years.” Free. Kepler’s
Books, 1010 El Camino Real,
Menlo Park. 650/324-4321.
Let’s Talk YA with Tamara
Ireland Stone and Andrew
Shvarts. June 9, 7:30 p.m. Local
authors Tamara Ireland Stone
and Andrew Shvarts will be chatting
about their new books, writing,
life as an author, and more.
Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El
Camino Real, Menlo Park.
Let’s Talk YA with Tamara Ireland
Stone and Andrew Shvarts.
Paramore, July 21, Shoreline Amphitheatre,
June 9, 6:30 p.m. Celebrate the launch of
two new books by two favorite local authors.
Tamara Ireland Stone and Andrew Shvarts will
discuss their new books, writing, life as an
author, and more. Enjoy a panel discussion,
Q&A about why we love YA, themed activities,
and great company. Free. Kepler’s Books, 1010
El Camino Real, Menlo Park. 650/324-4321.
Pithoro Wall Paintings of the Rathwa
Tribe. June 13, 6-8 p.m. More than 9 percent
of Indian citizens belong to tribal communities,
among them the Rathwa tribe, who
live in the forests of the Vadodara region of
Gujarat. Guest Curator Sandhya Gajjar’s presentation
covers the reasons why their prized
paintings are made, the artists who make
them. Tickets $25. Tickets $47-$52. Montalvo
Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga.
Pressed Flower Prints. July 11, 6 to 8 p.m.
Get inspired by beautiful summer garden
blooms. When pressed, the colors from flowers
and plants turn into natural dyes that can
create abstract shapes on the page. Artist Dana
Harel demonstrates how combining this process
with inking the leaves offers an array of
ways to compose beautiful artwork. Tickets
$45. Montalvo Arts Center, 15400 Montalvo
Road, Saratoga. 408/961-5858.
Bang! Bang! Discussing America’s Second
Amendment. July 15, 3 p.m. Join Stanford
University Law Prof. John J. Donohue III
and community members for an informative
presentation and Q&A to discuss guns, their
history and their cultural and social significance.
San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles,
520 S. First St., San Jose. 408/971-0323.
Beginning Bonsai. July 18, 6 to 8 p.m. Learn
how to start and care for your own bonsai
plant in this hands-on workshop led by Montalvo
gardeners Chris Yamashita and Ann
Northrup. Instructors guide you through the
steps of creating bonsai, from plant choice and
Mountain View
ing skills? You are not alone. Come and join
other parents who share similar feelings and
challenges. Facilitator Ifat Matzner-Heruti is a
parent counselor and helps parents gain more
knowledge and tools in order to understand
themselves and their children. Tickets $220.
Oshman Family JCC, Taube Koret Campus,
3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto. 650/223-8649.
Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor: A
Conversation with Yossi Klein Halevi.
June 6, 7:30 p.m. Halevi discusses his
efforts to break the agonizing impasse
between Israelis and Palestinians by
directly addressing his Palestinian neighbors.
Tickets $18-$43. Oshman Family
JCC, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto.
Golden Age of Yiddish
Theater. June 5, 2:30.
From its beginnings in
Romania to Second
Avenue in New York,
Yiddish theater
actually enjoyed
two “golden
ages.” Learn
about both
from lecturer
Mark Levy,
who has performed
taught in the
Bay Area for 30
years at temples, synagogues,
JCCs, Lehrhaus
Judaica, Workmen’s Circle and
other Jewish groups. Tickets $15.
Oshman Family JCC, 3921 Fabian
Way, Palo Alto. 650/223-8649.
Pamela Druckerman. June 5,
7:30 p.m. The widely read jour-
Dave Koz and Friends, July 7, The
Mountain Winery, Saratoga